Friday, October 10, 2008

after 11,000 miles, I'm home for now

We rolled into Portland on September 16th at 10:30pm. We got off 295 a few exits early to drive the length of Congress Street in order to see what had changed in the last three months. The only real change we noticed was a new place called Tonic. The next day I learned that it is a hair salon. Like we didn't already have enough salons in this town!

So, I have decided to stay in Portland another year. This decision has been made with mixed emotions. I fell in love with so many places and already long for the Rocky Mountains, deep blue sky and the warm desert sun! It has been great being home and surrounded by amazing friends and family, yet I long for the day when I will be packing up and leaving Maine to settle down elsewhere for a while . However, seeing my nieces, Mckenzi and Emily, the other day reminded me of why I am here. It's an absolute joy to see them grow and change. Each time I see them, I am invigorated by their pure joy for life and genuine kindness!

It's hard to describe how my perspective has changed - yet, I am a slightly different person. I feel more at peace with who I am and have a renewed faith and trust in the notion that each person is on their own schedule or path. My belief that I am exactly where and who I need to be has been strengthened. Rachael and I met so many wonderful people who opened their homes and hearts to us, putting their best face forward to aid us on our journey. We encountered strangers who genuinely took and interest in us as human beings -- in our stories -- and were willing to offer whatever they could so that we could achieve this cross-country road trip dream.

There is something to be learned about human nature by being a wanderer. Traveling and being around travelers, brings us out of our routines and those behavior patterns that drain us when we become self absorbed in our day to day lives. When we really listen to one another, and truly care about those around us, whether they are a life long friend or a new acquaintance, joy and light are created. It's in those situations, where the best qualities of our inner child are invoked and serendipitous occurrences remind us that we are right where we need to be. In each moment there is joy and peace, which is strengthened by community, if we are only open to the experience.

It’s taken a while to settle in, but I have met three amazing people to share a home with for the time being and am enjoying the feeling of stillness. It is also heart-warming to be an integral part of a community of artists, activists and cultural warriors. While I long for the road and a slew of ever changing adventures, I know Portland is the only place that will ever truly feel like home. Once you have seen a place grow and change, you become a part of it. In an ever-changing world, that connection, that sense of belonging, is priceless.

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