Thursday, June 26, 2008

Turtle Dreams--day 2

Rachael and I arrived at Turtle Dreams on Tuesday. Our ride was uneventful--great weather and not much traffic. The owners of the B&B, Fran and Paul, provided us with an awesome dinner and helped us settle in to our tepee, which will serve as our home for the next 10 days or so. There are three other tepees, two of which are occupied by other WWOOF-ers. It is so peaceful to sleep in a tepee, though we haven't been able to get a fire going, yet. Check out the Turtle Dreams' website, if you're interested in seeing the B&B:

In exchange for working around the house and in the gardens for 6 hours per day, we get three wholesome, tasty meals and a place to sleep and shower. Yesterday we worked our butts off hauling rocks from a new garden bed. It was over 80 degrees and sunny the whole day. Today it was raining pretty hard in the morning, so we cleaned and organized the barn, which was very satisfying. Now it has cleared and it is such a beautiful day in this beautiful country.

It is really great to be outside and to be doing physically demanding labor. I am also enjoying being around Fran and Paul's 3 children, dogs, cats, goats and chickens!

Tomorrow we plan to just work 4 hours, for which we get breakfast, then go in to town. I am looking forward to exploring the Ithaca area and relaxing!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

blessings and luck

Lately I have been feeling really blessed. It's hard to describe how lucky I feel to have so many great people in my life. Our bon voyage bbq last Saturday really hit it home as friends and co-workers joined us to celebrate our adventure to come and to spend some time with us.

I will miss Maine and all of you here this summer, but I am so excited for newness and change! Things have finally come together in such a way that a long time dream of mine is finally becoming a reality.

Here is our itinerary:

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